@Article{ATA-29-120, author = {Dan Zou , Xiaoli Chen , and Dongxiang Chen , }, title = {Two Weighted $BMO$ Estimates for the Maximal Bochner-Riesz Commutator}, journal = {Analysis in Theory and Applications}, year = {2013}, volume = {29}, number = {2}, pages = {120--127}, abstract = {

In this note, the author prove that maximal Bochner-Riesz commutator $B^b_{\delta,\ast}$ generated by operator $B_{\delta,\ast}$ and  function $b\in BMO(\omega)$ is a bounded operator from $L^{p}(\mu)$ into $L^{p}(\nu)$, where $\omega\in(\mu\nu^{-1})^{\frac{1}{p}},\mu,\nu\in A_p$ for $1 < p <\infty$. The proof relies heavily on the pointwise estimates for the sharp maximal function of the commutator $B^b_{\delta,\ast}$.

}, issn = {1573-8175}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/ata.2013.v29.n2.3}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/ata/4520.html} }