Volume 53, Number 2
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J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 0-0.

Preview Purchase PDF 2317 26097 Abstract

Yongyong Cai & Yan Wang


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 125-142.

Preview Purchase PDF 2498 29220 Abstract

Sheng Chen


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 143-158.

Preview Purchase PDF 2568 27720 Abstract

Bo Li, Shanshan Tang & Haijun Yu


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 159-191.

Preview Purchase PDF 3223 47270 Abstract

Cheng Xu, Xuhong Yu & Zhongqing Wang


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 192-211.

Preview Purchase PDF 2532 27273 Abstract

Xiaofeng Yang


J. Math. Study, 53 (2020), pp. 212-236.

Preview Purchase PDF 3205 46504 Abstract

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