@Article{itl-1-1, author = {Wu, Hongyu}, title = {Foundation and Nutrition: The Idea and Practice of UIC's National Education on Chinese Culture and Society}, journal = {Innovative Teaching and Learning }, year = {2019}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {45--53}, abstract = {

There are numerous skills that students need to learn during their time at university, in addition to thinking about the construction of self-identity and the meaning of life. UIC's National Education on Chinese Culture and Society (NECCS) aims to help students cultivate their sentiments and think about the future direction of life.
This paper is divided into two parts. The first part explores the following question: Why does UIC carry out the NECCS? In this part, three ideas are introduced: First, the state and individual are connected. Every country has its own history, traditions and social systems that impact the way a person grows up and are closely related to the life paths that person may take. The establishment of UIC is a response to China's higher education reform and social needs. Second, tradition is integrated into our life. Cultural tradition exists not only in history books, but also in our blood and our way of thinking. Cultural heritage is of great value to individuals, countries and the world. Third, China participates in the common development of the world. Through comparative observation between China and the world, students can reflect on their habitual lifestyles and values, and thus we can help them to understand cultural phenomena from the perspective of history and globalisation, and think about how to live in the new era.
The second part discusses the following question: How do we promote the NECCS? This part introduces how UIC is committed to innovative education concepts and methods. It includes three aspects: curriculum designs that advocate speculation and reflection, seminars that focus on the development of teaching and learning, and cultural activities that promote creative inheritance.
In short, the mission of UIC's NECCS is to promote the inheritance of traditional Chinese cultures and to contribute to the growth of UIC's students.

}, issn = {2709-2291}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/itl.OA-2020-08}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/74170/foundation-and-nutrition-the-idea-and-practice-of-uics-national-education-on-chinese-culture-and-society} }