@Article{itl-1-1, author = {Yan, Y., M., Edith}, title = {Enhancing E-Learning Education with Interactive Software: A Summary Report}, journal = {Innovative Teaching and Learning}, year = {2019}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {79--84}, abstract = {
This article is a summary report of a curriculum development and a research project conducted by the English Language and Literature Studies Programme, which employed an e-learning toolkit, called Articulate, to develop online interactive modules for 10 undergraduate courses of various subject disciplines, and investigated the practices and the perceived learning effectiveness of the online interactive modules in these courses. The major findings from student and instructor questionnaire surveys, student focus groups, instructor interviews, and iSpace (or Moodle) log data were briefly addressed. Finally, some practices for continually using or developing online interactive modules were suggested.
}, issn = {2709-2291}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/itl.OA-2020-12}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/74174/enhancing-e-learning-education-with-interactive-software-a-summary-report} }