@Article{CAM-10-18, author = {}, title = {第二届工程与计算数学国际会议(ECM2013)会议通知(第二轮)}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2013}, volume = {10}, number = {18}, pages = {1--1}, abstract = {
The Second International Conference on Engineering and Computational Mathematics (ECM2013)将于2013年12月16-18日在香港召开。会议由香港理工大学应用数学系和工业与应用数学协会(SIAM)联合举办。会议将邀请世界各地多位著名学者做学科前沿报告,欢迎各地数学工作者与会。
本次会议由6个stream和3个invited workshop组成:
Stream 1: Applications of Engineering Mathematics
Stream 2: Computational Optimization
Stream 3: Statistical Modeling and Computational Statistics
Stream 4: Mathematical Modeling and Computational Mathematics
Stream 5: Numerical Multi-Linear Algebra and Tensor Computation
Stream 6: Numerical Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Workshop 1: Computational and mathematical finance
Workshop 2: Computational mathematics for oil and gas applications
Workshop 3: Numerical methods for wave propagation
二、会议报告提交截止时间:2013 年10 月1 日。
提交方式:1. 网上提交:http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ama/events/conference/ECM2013/abstract.htm
2. 电子邮件提交:ecm2013@polyu.edu.hk
Type On or before 30 Oct 2013 After 30 Oct 2013
Regular participant HK$1600(US$200) HK$2000(US$250)
Student participant HK$800(US$100) HK$1000(US$125)
A special volume based on this conference will be published by the SCI-E indexed international journal International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling Deadline for submission: 28 February 2014
Format: Full paper
- Manuscripts should be in PDF format and be submitted directly via email: ecm2013@polyu.edu.hk
- Every paper must be presented in the conference and fit within the 'Aims and Scope' of the journal.
- All papers will be subjected to a standard refereeing procedure before it can be accepted for publication.
- Accepted papers must meet the journal-standards.
Ms. Mansfield Lee
Tel: (852) 2766 6938
Fax: (852)2764 4382
Email: ecm2013@polyu.edu.hk
详情请参阅会议网址: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ama/events/conference/ECM2013