@Article{CAM-6-5, author = {}, title = {会议信息: A two-month program on ``Mathematical Theory and Numerical Methods for Computational Materials Simulation and Design''}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2009}, volume = {6}, number = {5}, pages = {9--9}, abstract = {
主 题: Help to post an announcement at CAM Digest
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), jointly with Department of Mathematics, at the National University of Singapore will organize a two-month program on ``Mathematical Theory and Numerical Methods for Computational Materials Simulation and Design''duirng 1 July -- 31 August, 2009.
Overview: This two-month program will provide a forum for experts from interdisciplinary fields to discuss the various issues and challenges facing the community. It will bring leading international applied and pure mathematicians,physicists, materials scientists and computational scientists together to review,develop and promote interdisciplinary researches on problems at the interface between mathematics and materials sciences. It will provide a forum to highlight the progress in a broad range of topics, within a coherent theme and with greater emphasis on the mathematical theory and numerical methods for computational materials simulation and
Activities: The program activities will consist of two workshops, a summer school,public lectures, working seminars and collaborative research.
Fund support for graduate students:
Student registration is now invited. Grants to cover local subsistence costs will be awarded on a competitive basis.
For more information, please refer to the webpage at URL:
}, issn = {}, doi = {https://doi.org/2009-CAM-17194}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/78344/a-two-month-program-on-mathematical-theory-and-numerical-methods-for-computational-materials-simulation-and-design} }