@Article{CAM-5-1, author = {}, title = {Call for Presentations: Croucher Advanced Study Institute 2008 in Hong Kong}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2008}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {6--6}, abstract = {
Croucher Advanced Study Institute
Mathematical & Algorithmic Challenges for
Modeling & Analyzing Modern Data Sets
Hong Kong
21-25 April, 2008
This ASI explores the new concepts and innovative computational, mathematical and statistical techniques for modeling and analyzing modern data sets, a promising and flourishing frontier in data and information systems and their applications. This field of study is multidisciplinary, drawing work from areas including computer science, high-performance computing, machine learning, mathematics, statistics and visualization.
ASI participants are encouraged to give a presentation on computational, mathematical and statistical research for modeling and analyzing modern data sets. Free accommodation can be arranged for non-local participants with presentations. If you are interested to give a presentation, please submit the information to http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/ASI08/reg/index.php The deadline of the submission is 29 February 2008. The selected presentations will be notified on or before 15 March 2008.
For more information, please refer to the web page:
or contact Michael Ng (ASI Director)
at: mng@math.hkbu.edu.hk