@Article{CAM-5-10, author = {}, title = {期刊内容: Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology Multi-Science Publishing, Volume 2 · Number 1}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2008}, volume = {5}, number = {10}, pages = {8--8}, abstract = {
主 题: Table of contents: V2 Issue 1 - J
ournal of Algorithms and Computational Technology
Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology
Multi-Science Publishing
ISSN 1748-3018
Volume 2 · Number 1
Special issue: On applications of image processing to industrial
and real life problems
Guest Editors: M. Wang and X. He
Am improved morphology connective criterion based on complete lattice
for lane detection
H Cai, J Cai, G Zhang, Z Zhou ..................................... 1
An algorithm for total variation inpainting based on nonlinear multigrid
F Chen, M Wang, C-H Lai ........................................... 15
A coloue image denoising and enhancement model based on CB colour model
N-P Chen, Y-D Zeng ................................................ 35
A new colourisation algorithm based on dynamic neighbour-relevant
chromatic channel information
Z Chen, D Ye, X zhan .............................................. 49
Edge detection on hexagonal structure
X He, Q Wu, W Jia, T Hintz ........................................ 61
Fractal image compression on hexagonal structure
H Wang, X He, T Hintz, Q Wu ....................................... 79
Image denoise by fourth-order PDE based on the changes of the Laplacian
L Lü, M Wang, C-H Lai ............................................. 99
Research and applications of a novel adaptive 3-D medical image
interpolation method using ROI
J-L Ma, J Wu, Q Wang, F Ye, S-Y Luo ............................... 111
The latest MPEG standards and industrial requirements for media streaming
M Ali ............................................................. 127
A blind watermarking algorithm for digital image based on DMWT and CBWT
Z Shu, Y Lian ..................................................... 145
Evaluation and enhancement on medical images
L Sun, C Wang, S Wang ............................................. 154
Image processing and interactive visualisation of confocal miscroscopy
m Tang, H-N Wang .................................................. 165
Texture feature analysis of coke slice image
P Wang, Q Wang, S Gao ............................................. 175
The image retrieval and relevance feedback methods based on region
W-H C, S-Z Ye ..................................................... 185