@Article{CAM-5-17, author = {}, title = {会议信息: The International Conference on Applied Analysis and Scientific Computation}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2008}, volume = {5}, number = {17}, pages = {5--5}, abstract = {

Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 04:39:24 -0400
Subject: Intl Conf on Applied Analysis & Scientific Computation, Shanghai, Jun 2009

The International Conference on Applied Analysis and Scientific Computation will be held on June 25-28, 2009 at Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China. The conference consists of plenary lectures, invited talks, minisymposium presentations and contributed papers. The topics include:
Asymptotic analysis; Analysis and computations for applied nonlinear PDE's;
Mathematical modeling in material science, biology and informatics;
Dynamical systems and numerical simulations; New mathematical framework for the finite/boundary element methods; Spectral methods, analysis and applications.

Plenary Speakers:
Mark J. Ablowitz, University of Colorado at Boulder, U.S.A.
Zhiming Chen, Institute of Computational Mathematics, CAS, Beijing, China
Adrian Constantin, Trinity College, The University of Dublin, Ireland
Athanassios S. Fokas, University of Cambridge, Britain
Max Gunzburger, Florida State University, U.S.A.
Lishang Jiang, Tonji University, Shanghai, China
Alan C. Newell, The University of Arizona, U.S.A.
Ricardo Nochetto, University of Maryland, U.S.A.
Jie Shen, Purdue University, U.S.A.
Roderick S. C. Wong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

For the detail of registration, submission of minisymposium proposal and abstract of talk please visit our website:

Benqi Guo, Hui-Hui Dai, Hongjiong Tian
Co-chairs of the Organizing Committee

}, issn = {}, doi = {https://doi.org/2008-CAM-17316}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/78677/the-international-conference-on-applied-analysis-and-scientific-computation} }