@Article{CAM-5-18, author = {}, title = {期刊内容: Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, Volume 2, Number 3}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2008}, volume = {5}, number = {18}, pages = {9--9}, abstract = {

主 题: Table of contents - V2 (3) Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology


Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology
Multi-Science Publishing
ISSN 1748-3018

Volume 2 · Number 3

Study on near-optimal path finding strategies in a road network
SHI Jun, LI Jian-Yuan, CAO Han, WANG Xi-Li ...................... 319

An iterative method for solving a class of partial differential equations with variable coefficients
Yulan Wang ...................................................... 335

Multiscale edge extraction using the fuzzy rules
Ruihua Lu, Ming Yang ............................................ 349

Numerical solutions of two forms of Blasius equation on a half-infinite domain
Vedat Suat Erturk, Shaher Momani ............................... 359

On homotopy perturbation and variational iteration methods for linear and nonlinear heat transfer equations
D. D. Ganji, A. R. Rezania, A. R. Ghorbali ...................... 371

Towards dynamic integration, scheduling and rescheduling of scientific applications
Lei Yu, Frederic Magoules ....................................... 391

The dynamic priority based scheduling algorithm for hard real-time heterogeneous CMP application
Man Wang, Zhihui Du, Zhiqiang Liu, Song Hao ..................... 409

Distributed computing techniques for wireless messaging systems
B. Makoond, S. Khaddaj, C. C. Ong, r. Oudrhiri, M. Tunnicliffe .. 429

End of CAM Digest


}, issn = {}, doi = {https://doi.org/2008-CAM-17311}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/78690/journal-of-algorithms-and-computational-technology-volume-2-number-3} }