@Article{CAM-2-5, author = {}, title = {计算图形学、图像及可视化国际会议(CGIV05)将在北京举行}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2005}, volume = {2}, number = {5}, pages = {5--5}, abstract = {
International conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization,
CGIV05 26-29 July, 2005
Institute of Automation, Chinese Acadamey of Sciences, Beijing, China
Call for Paper, Symposium proposal, Tutorial, Video, Digital Art, Exhibition and Participation
Accepted papers will be published in The Proceedings with ISBN and selected full papers will be published by IEEE Computer Science Society.
Papers are invited, but not limited to, the following major topics:
Incorporating the following symposia:
WebGraphics, Forensic Digital Imaging, Rendering, VISIM, Solid modelling, DArt, Animation, Digital Entertainment, BuiltViz
More detailed theme and scope is planned as series of symposia is available from: http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/cgiv05/
Supported by:
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
VGRU, BCIM, London South Bank University, UK
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Kagoshima University, Japan
Information and Computer Science Department, KFUPM, SA
Department of Visual Art, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI, USA
National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, UK
Technical University Graz, Austria
Co-operated by:
Information Visualisation Society
China Society of Image and Graphics
Important Dates:
1 March 2005: Submission of papers. tutorials. Digital Art Gallery
Further details and registration form are available at the conference wed-site:
Anita D'Pour
Conference Co-ordinator
P.O. BOX 29, HATFIELD, AL9 7ZL, United Kingdom.
T: (Int. +44) 1707 - 652 224
F: (Int. +44) 1707 - 652 247
E: cgiv05@graphicslink.demon.co.uk
URL: http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/cgiv05/