@Article{CAM-2-18, author = {}, title = {招聘信息: 北京师范大学–浸会大学联合国际学院招聘教授、副教授、助理教授}, journal = {CAM-Net Digest}, year = {2005}, volume = {2}, number = {18}, pages = {7--7}, abstract = {
學院現招聘多名統計及運籌學教授、副教授,助理教授 / 講師。申請者需具博士或同等學位,並具有此等課程之專業知識,如擁有高校教學經驗更佳。申請者須以英語講授統計和運籌學的基本課程,如回歸分析,隨機模擬,多元分析,運籌學,物流學及有關課程。其他職責包括策劃研究工作及統籌學術活動、編制課程及其發展計劃,與及相關的行政工作。
申請人或提名人請將資料寄往香港九龍塘聯福道34號逸夫行政樓七樓浸會大學人事部「聯合國際學院教職員遴選委員會秘書」收,亦可以傳真[(852) 3411-5001]或電子郵件(pers@hkbu.edu.hk)送遞,截止日期為2005年8月31日。如有任何查詢,可循以上途徑向本大學提出。申請資料須包括申請人的詳盡履歷一份,並附有三位推薦人的姓名及聯絡地址,而申請人亦須提供最近三份個人的教學評審報告。有關大學「收集個人資料聲明」,可瀏覽(http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~pers/job)。大學保留最後權利,不作出任何聘任,或延長遴選直至覓得合適人選,又或邀請適合人選出任有關職位。
The University, in collaboration with the Beijing Normal University (BNU), will establish an international college at Tanjiawan, Zhuhai.
The new BNU-HKBU United International College will start operation in September 2005 and will offer associate, undergraduate, and postgraduate courses in humanities and social sciences, business management, and science and technology. In its first year of operation, the College is expected to admit around 500 full-time first-year and third-year students and according to the current planning, full capacity student enrollment will reach 4,000. In the first year, the College will offer five undergraduate programmes:
Environmental Science, Computer Science and Technology, Statistics, Finance and Applied Economics. The College will also offer subjects in liberal studies for all students and the medium of instruction is English.
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Statistics and Operations Research
Applications are now invited for the teaching positions at the academic ranks of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Statistics and Operations Research. Appointees are expected to teach basic statistics or operations research subjects in English such as regression analysis, random stimulation, multivariate analysis, operations research, logistics and/or related subjects; conduct research/scholarly activities and contribute to course planning and development, and to carry out related administrative duties.
Applicants should have obtained a relevant Ph.D. degree or equivalent, have professional knowledge in Statistics or Operations Research or Applied Mathematics, preferably with relevant teaching experience at tertiary level and a good track record in research and scholarly activities.
Appointment Terms
The appointment will initially be made on a fixed-term contract of two years. More flexible terms of appointment may be negotiated. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous fringe benefits will also be provided. Re-appointment after the first contract is subject to mutual agreement.
Application Procedures
Applications should be sent in confidence to “Secretary of the Search Committee for the BNU-HKBU United International College”, via the Personnel Office, Hong Kong Baptist University, Level 7, Shaw Tower, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong [fax: (852) 3411-5001; email: pers@hkbu.edu.hk] by 31 August 2005.
Enquiries could be sent to the same address. The application should contain a complete curriculum vita of the candidate concerned, with the names and contact addresses of three referees. Applicants are also requested to send in samples of publications, preferably three best ones out of their most recent publications; and their most recent teaching evaluation results. Details of the University’s Personnel Information Collection Statement can be found at [http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~pers/job].
The University reserves the right not to fill the positions, or to extend the search until suitable candidates are found or to make appointments by invitation.