@Article{CiCP-4-4, author = {}, title = {Local Discontinuous-Galerkin Schemes for Model Problems in Phase Transition Theory}, journal = {Communications in Computational Physics}, year = {2008}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {860--893}, abstract = {
Local Discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) schemes in the sense of [5] are a flexible numerical tool to approximate solutions of nonlinear convection problems with complicated dissipative terms. Such terms frequently appear in evolution equations which describe the dynamics of phase changes in e.g. liquid-vapour mixtures or in elastic solids. We report on results for one-dimensional model problems with dissipative terms including third-order and convolution operators. Cell entropy inequalities and L2-stability results are proved for those model problems. As is common in phase transition theory the solution structure sensitively depends on the coupling parameter between viscosity and capillarity. To avoid spurious solutions due to the counteracting effect of artificial dissipation by the numerical flux and the actual dissipation terms we introduce Tadmors' entropy conservative fluxes. Various numerical experiments underline the reliability of our approach and also illustrate interesting and (partly) new phase transition phenomena.
}, issn = {1991-7120}, doi = {https://doi.org/2008-CiCP-7818}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/81282/local-discontinuous-galerkin-schemes-for-model-problems-in-phase-transition-theory} }