@Article{CMR-26-1, author = {Li, Fengling and Lei, Fengchun}, title = {A Sufficient Condition for the Genus of an Annulus Sum of Two 3-Manifolds to Be Non-Degenerate}, journal = {Communications in Mathematical Research }, year = {2010}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, pages = {85--96}, abstract = {

Let $M_i$ be a compact orientable 3-manifold, and $A_i$ a non-separating incompressible annulus on a component of $∂M_i$, say $F_i , i = 1, 2$. Let $h : A_1 → A_2$ be a homeomorphism, and $M = M_1 ∪_h M_2$, the annulus sum of $M_1$ and $M_2$ along $A_1$ and $A_2$. Suppose that $M_i$ has a Heegaard splitting $V_i ∪_{S_i} W_i$ with distance $d(S_i) ≥ 2g(M_i) + 2g(F_{3−i}) + 1, i = 1, 2$. Then $g(M) = g(M_1) + g(M_2)$, and the minimal Heegaard splitting of $M$ is unique, which is the natural Heegaard splitting of $M$ induced from $V_1 ∪_{S_1} W_1$ and $V_2 ∪_{S_2} W_2$.

}, issn = {2707-8523}, doi = {https://doi.org/2010-CMR-19180}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/81897/a-sufficient-condition-for-the-genus-of-an-annulus-sum-of-two-3-manifolds-to-be-non-degenerate} }