@Article{EAJAM-6-1, author = {}, title = {Distributed Control of the Stochastic Burgers Equation with Random Input Data}, journal = {East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics}, year = {2016}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {89--108}, abstract = {

We discuss a control problem involving a stochastic Burgers equation with a random diffusion coefficient. Numerical schemes are developed, involving the finite element method for the spatial discretisation and the sparse grid stochastic collocation method in the random parameter space. We also use these schemes to compute closed-loop suboptimal state feedback control. Several numerical experiments are performed, to demonstrate the efficiency and plausibility of our approximation methods for the stochastic Burgers equation and the related control problem.

}, issn = {2079-7370}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/eajam.180615.080116a}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/82743/distributed-control-of-the-stochastic-burgers-equation-with-random-input-data} }