@Article{JCM-20-2, author = {Yi-Fa, Tang}, title = {Expansion of Step-Transition Operator of Multi-Step Method and Its Applications (I)}, journal = {Journal of Computational Mathematics}, year = {2002}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {185--196}, abstract = { We expand the step-transition operator of any linear multi-step method with order $s \ge 2 \ {\rm up} \ {\rm to} \ O({\tau^{s+5}})$. And through examples we show how much the perturbation of the step-transition operator caused by the error of initial value is. }, issn = {1991-7139}, doi = {https://doi.org/2002-JCM-8909}, url = {https://global-sci.com/article/85397/expansion-of-step-transition-operator-of-multi-step-method-and-its-applications-i} }