Volume 1, Issue 1
Embedding Principle: A Hierarchical Structure of Loss Landscape of Deep Neural Networks

Yaoyu Zhang, Yuqing Li, Zhongwang Zhang, Tao Luo & Zhi-Qin John Xu

J. Mach. Learn. , 1 (2022), pp. 60-113.

Published online: 2022-03

Category: Theory

[An open-access article; the PDF is free to any online user.]

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  • Abstract

We prove a general Embedding Principle of loss landscape of deep neural networks (NNs) that unravels a hierarchical structure of the loss landscape of NNs, i.e., loss landscape of an NN contains all critical points of all the narrower NNs. This result is obtained by constructing a class of critical embeddings which map any critical point of a narrower NN to a critical point of the target NN with the same output function. By discovering a wide class of general compatible critical embeddings, we provide a gross estimate of the dimension of critical submanifolds embedded from critical points of narrower NNs. We further prove an irreversibility property of any critical embedding that the number of negative/zero/positive eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix of a critical point may increase but never decrease as an NN becomes wider through the embedding. Using a special realization of general compatible critical embedding, we prove a stringent necessary condition for being a “truly-bad” critical point that never becomes a strict-saddle point through any critical embedding. This result implies the commonplace of strict-saddle points in wide NNs, which may be an important reason underlying the easy optimization of wide NNs widely observed in practice.

  • General Summary

Understanding the loss landscape of a deep neural network is obviously important in analyzing the training trajectory and the generalization performance. This work proposes a new approaching for studying this problem by examining the (embedding) relation between the loss landscapes of neural networks of different widths. The paper proves a general Embedding Principle, namely the loss landscape of a neural network "contains" all critical points of the landscape for narrower neural networks. The paper also demonstrates that (i) critical points embedded from narrower neural networks form submanifolds; (ii) a local minimum is more likely to become a strict saddle point in the landscape of wider neural networks but not vice versa.

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@Article{JML-1-60, author = {Zhang , YaoyuLi , YuqingZhang , ZhongwangLuo , Tao and John Xu , Zhi-Qin}, title = {Embedding Principle: A Hierarchical Structure of Loss Landscape of Deep Neural Networks}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning}, year = {2022}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {60--113}, abstract = {

We prove a general Embedding Principle of loss landscape of deep neural networks (NNs) that unravels a hierarchical structure of the loss landscape of NNs, i.e., loss landscape of an NN contains all critical points of all the narrower NNs. This result is obtained by constructing a class of critical embeddings which map any critical point of a narrower NN to a critical point of the target NN with the same output function. By discovering a wide class of general compatible critical embeddings, we provide a gross estimate of the dimension of critical submanifolds embedded from critical points of narrower NNs. We further prove an irreversibility property of any critical embedding that the number of negative/zero/positive eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix of a critical point may increase but never decrease as an NN becomes wider through the embedding. Using a special realization of general compatible critical embedding, we prove a stringent necessary condition for being a “truly-bad” critical point that never becomes a strict-saddle point through any critical embedding. This result implies the commonplace of strict-saddle points in wide NNs, which may be an important reason underlying the easy optimization of wide NNs widely observed in practice.

}, issn = {2790-2048}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.4208/jml.220108}, url = {http://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/jml/20372.html} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Embedding Principle: A Hierarchical Structure of Loss Landscape of Deep Neural Networks AU - Zhang , Yaoyu AU - Li , Yuqing AU - Zhang , Zhongwang AU - Luo , Tao AU - John Xu , Zhi-Qin JO - Journal of Machine Learning VL - 1 SP - 60 EP - 113 PY - 2022 DA - 2022/03 SN - 1 DO - http://doi.org/10.4208/jml.220108 UR - https://global-sci.org/intro/article_detail/jml/20372.html KW - Neural network, Loss landscape, Critical point, Embedding principle. AB -

We prove a general Embedding Principle of loss landscape of deep neural networks (NNs) that unravels a hierarchical structure of the loss landscape of NNs, i.e., loss landscape of an NN contains all critical points of all the narrower NNs. This result is obtained by constructing a class of critical embeddings which map any critical point of a narrower NN to a critical point of the target NN with the same output function. By discovering a wide class of general compatible critical embeddings, we provide a gross estimate of the dimension of critical submanifolds embedded from critical points of narrower NNs. We further prove an irreversibility property of any critical embedding that the number of negative/zero/positive eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix of a critical point may increase but never decrease as an NN becomes wider through the embedding. Using a special realization of general compatible critical embedding, we prove a stringent necessary condition for being a “truly-bad” critical point that never becomes a strict-saddle point through any critical embedding. This result implies the commonplace of strict-saddle points in wide NNs, which may be an important reason underlying the easy optimization of wide NNs widely observed in practice.

Yaoyu Zhang, Yuqing Li, Zhongwang Zhang, Tao Luo & Zhi-Qin John Xu. (2022). Embedding Principle: A Hierarchical Structure of Loss Landscape of Deep Neural Networks. Journal of Machine Learning. 1 (1). 60-113. doi:10.4208/jml.220108
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