About the Journal
About the Journal:
ISSN: 2207-9963; eISSN: 2208-598X
Welcome to Advances in Geo-Energy Research (Abbreviated title: "Adv. Geo-Energy Res."), which is an Open Access, peer-reviewed international scientific journal monthly published by Yandy Scientific Press.Advances in Geo-Energy Research aims to publish high quality papers rapidly in the fields of natural geo-energy (oil, gas, coal geothermal, and gas hydrate), and focuses on combining theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches to the fundamental scientific advances in geo-energy systems.
Open Access: Free for readers, with Article Processing Charge paid for accepted papers.
Editor-in-Chief: Jianchao Cai (Founder);
Journal metrics: IF=9.0 (Web of Science, June 2024), CiteScore2023=12.3, SJR2022=1.57, SNIP2022=1.980 (Scopus, June 2024); Google Metrics Rank 13 in the field of Oil & Petroleum and Natural gas (2022).
Indexed in: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Ei Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ, GEOBASE, CA, J-Gate, etc.
News: All papers have been indexed by Ei Compendex since the launched issue in 2017. Papers have been indexed by ESCI since 2020.
The average time from submission to publication: 43 days.
Email: md-office@yandypress.com