Special Issue on microscopic simulation of multiphase flow in porous media (MSMF)
ISSN: 2709-2119; eISSN: 2652-3310
Welcome to Capillarity, which is an Open Access, peer-reviewed international scientific journal monthly published by Yandy Scientific Press.
Open Access: Free for readers, without Article Processing Charge for any accepted papers.
Journal metrics: CiteScore2023=7.1, SJR2023=0.645, SNIP2023=1.136 (Scopus, June 2024).
Since 2023, accepted papers will be published monthly.
The average time from submission to publication: 41 days.
Capillarity is included by DOAJ in July 28, 2020; included by Scopus in March 2, 2021
Email: md-office@yandypress.com