Volume 34, Number 4
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Boling Guo & Fangfang Li

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 331-344.

Preview Purchase PDF 1777 17182 Abstract

Meilan Cai & Fanwei Meng

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 345-357.

Preview Purchase PDF 1762 17797 Abstract

Xiaofeng Chen

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 358-363.

Preview Purchase PDF 1797 17625 Abstract

Xinyu Guan

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 364-375.

Preview Purchase PDF 1737 17228 Abstract

Xu Han, Sha Li & Qiaoluan Li

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 376-382.

Preview Purchase PDF 1734 17459 Abstract

Erxiong Liu

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 383-394.

Preview Purchase PDF 1769 17545 Abstract

Meijuan Ou, Xianzhu Xiong & Yi Wang

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 395-406.

Preview Purchase PDF 1730 17521 Abstract

Xianzhang Wu & Lili Shen

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 407-415.

Preview Purchase PDF 1747 16928 Abstract

Linghai Zhang

Ann. Appl. Math., 34 (2018), pp. 416-438.

Preview Purchase PDF 1680 16969 Abstract

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