Year: 2023
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 20 (2023), Iss. 10 : p. 10
Special Issue on recent trends in analysis of chemotaxis models
Youshan Tao and Michael Winkler
Global large-data generalized solutions to a two-dimensional chemotaxis system stemming from crime modelling
Bin Li and Li Xie
The role of logistic damping in a class of chemotaxis systems with density-dependent motility and indirect signal absorption
Wenbin Lyu and Bo Mao
Chemotaxis(-fluid) systems with logarithmic sensitivity and slow consumption: Global generalized solutions and eventual smoothness
Mario Fuest
Partly inhibiting of blow-up by chemotactic repulsion in a cross-diffusion model for virus infection
Xin Wen
Does strong repulsion lead to smooth solutions in a repulsion-attraction chemotaxis system even when starting with highly irregular initial data?
Frederic Heihoff
Qualitative properties for a three-species food chain model with cross-diffusion and intra-specific competition
Hai-Yang Jin, Guanhua Lu and Feifei Zou
Boundedness in a chemotaxis-May-Nowak model for virus dynamics with mildly saturated chemotactic sensitivity and conversion
Xueyan Tao and Shulin Zhou
Global solutions to a chemotaxis-May-Nowak model with arbitrary superlinear degradation
Jianping Wang and Xin Si
Application of weak stabilization theory for degenerate parabolic equations in divergence form to a chemotaxis model for tumor invasion
Sachiko Ishida and Tomomi Yokota
A note to the large-time behavior of a 3D chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with porous medium slow diffusion
Zhaoyin Xiang and Ju Zhou
Global solvability and large time behavior in a two-species chemotaxis-consumption model
Guoqiang Ren and Tian Xiang
A short remark on comparison estimates in a chemotaxis system with local sensing
Kentaro Fujie
On the steady state problem of the chemotaxis-consumption model with logistic growth and Dirichlet boundary condition for signal
Piotr Knosalla and Mateusz Wróbel
Global solutions for chemotaxis-fluid systems with singular chemotactic sensitivity
Dongkwang Kim
Finite-time blow-up in the Cauchy problem of a Keller-Segel system with logistic source
Mengqi Liu and Yulan Wang
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 20 (2023), Iss. 10 : p. 10
Published online: 2023-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1