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For Authors

Editorial criteria and processes

Please read this section before submitting. This section explains journal's editorial criteria, and how manuscripts are handled by our editors between submission and acceptance for publication.  Editorial criteria and processes

Manuscript Submission

To speed up the refereeing and publication processes, all transactions and communications between the journal and the authors will be done elect ronically. Submission guidelines can be found under the Guides for Authors section at the bottom of the Additional Information section on each journal’s homepage.

All received submissions will be acknowledged. Please see our information pages on Ethical policy for GSP journals.

Submission Policy and Copyright

Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper is original and has not been submitted elsewhere. It is required that authors provide a Transfer of Copyright to the Publisher. The signed Consent to Publish gives the Publisher the Author(s)' permission to publish the Work. The signed Transfer of Copyright empowers the Publisher on behalf of the Author(s) to protect the Work and its image against any unauthorized use and to properly authorize dissemination of the work. This includes printed publications, offprints, reprints, electronic files, licensed photocopies, microform editions, translations, and document delivery.