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Open Access & Self-Archiving Policy

Open Access & Self-Archiving Policies

Below details our open policy & self-archiving policy. Global Science Press’s policy may differ for each individual journal, which may have their own independent policy, and authors/librarians should also check with the copyright policy of the selected journal.

Open Access Policy

Publishing Open Access with Global Science Press

Global Science Press fully supports the movement to make research more accessible and has supported open access publishing since 2017.

Journal Name APC Charge (USD)
Communications in Computational Physics 1200
Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods & Applications 1500
Journal of Computational Mathematics 1500
East Asian Journal of Applied Mathematics 1200
CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics 1200
Advances in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 1200
Analysis in Theory & Applications 1200
Communications in Mathematical Research 1200
Annals of Applied Mathematics 1200
Journal of Mathematical Study 1200
Journal of Partial Differential Equations 1200
International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling 1200
Journal of Machine Learning Free

UKRI-funded authors can comply with UKRI’s open access requirements by publishing with the gold access, which will allow the published article to be immediately available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. Alternatively, universities with current subscriptions to the journal the article is published in can choose Green OA option with the embargo period waived. Please visit the self-archiving page to view embargo periods.


Submitted (Preprint)

The preprint submitted before acceptance can be shared via:

  • Author's personal website
  • Scholarly collaboration network
  • Non-commercial preprint servers & repositories

There is no embargo period for self-archiving of submitted versions.

Accepted Version

This is the accepted version that includes any changes during the peer review process, but before the final published version (Version of Record).

Self-archiving involves an embargo period of 12 months. This includes posting the accepted author manuscript on your personal website, private research groups, and institutional repositories.

This embargo is waived for institutions with a subscription to the journal under the above embargo period, in which the author can immediately share their accepted manuscript in the above stipulated channels.

Open Access

There is no embargo period for journals published under gold open access. Authors are free to share under a Creative Commons (CC BY license).

Please contact for more information regarding these policies.