Year: 2021
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 18 (2021), Iss. 6 : p. 2
2022年国际数学家大会(ICM 2022)将于2022年7月6日至14日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡举行。大会已开放注册。
Chebyshev grants
The Chebyshev Grants program provides full support (including airfare and local expenses in Saint-Petersburg) to 1000 participants from the developing countries as defined by the IMU.
The process is organized by 6 geographical regions, namely: Africa, Latin America, Northeastern Asia, Southeastern Asia & Pacific, Western Asia, Eastern Europe. The Chebyshev Grants are awarded in cooperation with the IMU Commission for Developing Countries.
To Apply
Check that your country of affiliation is on the list of eligible countries found on the IMU website.
Register on the ICM website. You will not be asked to make any payments during the registration. You will need a valid passport to complete the registration process. During the registration process, you will receive your personal ICM22 number, which you will need at the next step. Make sure to save this number, as this is the proof of your registration.
Log in into the ICM MathPrograms site and select the appropriate region among the programs listed there. In addition to your Standard Cover sheet, you will be asked to submit:
a) Your ICM22 number
b) Your annotated list of publications. For recent PhDs, please include the description of your PhD work
c) Your personal statement
d) (optional) a letter of recommendation.
Priority will be given to applications received by May 31, 2021.
The selection will be merit-based with special attention given to participation by the early-career mathematicians and women, as well as to the geographic balance. The applications will be evaluated by regional panels appointed by the IMU Commission on Developing Countries. These panels are composed of 36 experts from the developing countries from all over the world, with an excellent balance of geography, fields of study, and gender.
Funding decision
Will be announced in the Fall of 2021.
Kovalevskaya grants
The Kovalevskaya Grants program provides local support for up to 1000 Early Career participants from the developed countries as defined by the IMU. The grants will be administered in collaboration with national and regional mathematical societies and funding agencies, who will select grant recipients and help them find support to cover the travel expenses. Information about application procedures will start appearing on the ICM website in 2021 as the LOC establishes partnerships with organizations in thе developed countries interested in supporting this initiative.
Several countries have already agreed to make Kovalevskaya grants available for their junior researchers. We would like to encourage our colleagues from other national and regional mathematical societies and funding agencies to consider this opportunity to invest in the development of the next generation of their top mathematical talent and contact the Local Organizing Committee about participating in this project.
You can indicate your interest in applying for a Kovalevskaya grant in your ICM account after registration. Such information will be helpful for establishing Kovalevskaya grants partnerships
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 18 (2021), Iss. 6 : p. 2
Published online: 2021-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1