Year: 2021
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 18 (2021), Iss. 25 : p. 7
First Return Time to the contact hyperplane for $N$-degree-of-freedom vibro-impact systems
Huong Le Thi, Stéphane Junca and Mathias Legrand
Asymptotic behaviour of the solutions for a weakly damped anisotropic sixth-order Schrödinger type equation in $\mathbb{R}^2$
Brahim Alouini
Approximate dynamics of a class of stochastic wave equations with white noise
Guanggan Chen, Qin Li and Yunyun Wei
Modeling, approximation, and time optimal temperature control for binder removal from ceramics
Carmen Chicone, Stephen J. Lombardo and David G. Retzloff
Monotonic and nonmonotonic immune responses in viral infection systems
Shaoli Wang, Huixia Li and Fei Xu
Existence of $D$−pullback attractor for an infinite dimensional dynamical system
Mustapha Yebdri
Analysis of an age-structured model for HIV-TB co-infection
Zhong-Kai Guo, Hai-Feng Huo and Hong Xiang
The stability and bifurcation of homogeneous diffusive predator–prey systems with spatio–temporal delays
Yiwen Tao and Jingli Ren
Phase portraits of the Higgins–Selkov system
Jaume Llibre and Marzieh Mousavi
Random perturbations of an eco-epidemiological model
Lopo F. de Jesus, César M. Silva and Helder Vilarinho
Strong solutions to a fluid-particle interaction model with magnetic field in $\mathbb{R}^2$
Shijin Ding, Bingyuan Huang and Xiaoyan Hou
Behavior of solution of stochastic difference equation with continuous time under additive fading noise
Leonid Shaikhet
Global boundedness for a $N$-dimensional two species cancer invasion haptotaxis model with tissue remodeling
Feng Dai and Bin Liu
Global existence in a chemotaxis system with singular sensitivity and signal production
Guoqiang Ren and Heping Ma
On a quasilinear fully parabolic two-species chemotaxis system with two chemicals
Xu Pan and Liangchen Wang
Persistence of mosquito vector and dengue: Impact of seasonal and diurnal temperature variations
Naveen K. Vaidya and Feng-Bin Wang
Limit cycles and global dynamic of planar cubic semi-quasi-homogeneous systems
Zecen He, Haihua Liang and Xiang Zhang
Asymptotic behavior for stochastic plate equations with memory and additive noise on unbounded domains
Xiaobin Yao
Existence of global weak solutions of $p$-Navier-Stokes equations
Jian-Guo Liu and Zhaoyun Zhang
Global wellposedness of vacuum free boundary problem of isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with axisymmetry
Kunquan Li and Yaobin Ou
Dynamics of Timoshenko system with time-varying weight and time-varying delay
Carlos Nonato, Manoel Jeremias dos Santos and Carlos Raposo
A learning-enhanced projection method for solving convex feasibility problems
Janosch Rieger
Stabilization by intermittent control for hybrid stochastic differential delay equations
Wei Mao, Yanan Jiang, Liangjian Hu and Xuerong Mao
Asymptotics of singularly perturbed damped wave equations with super-cubic exponent
Dandan Li
A meshless collocation method with a global refinement strategy for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains
Siqing Li and Zhonghua Qiao
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 18 (2021), Iss. 25 : p. 7
Published online: 2021-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1