Year: 2020
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 17 (2020), Iss. 24 : p. 7
SIAM has given free online access to the most cited SIAM Journal papers since 2018 (Until December 31st, 2020).
SIAM Review
A New Class of Efficient and Robust Energy Stable Schemes for Gradient Flows Placeholder
(Jie Shen, Jie Xu, and Jiang Yang)
A Class of Iterative Solvers for the Helmholtz Equation: Factorizations, Sweeping Preconditioners, Source Transfer, Single Layer Potentials, Polarized Traces, and Optimized Schwarz Methods
(Martin J. Gander and Hui Zhang)
Bayesian Probabilistic Numerical Methods
(Jon Cockayne, Chris J. Oates, T. J. Sullivan, and Mark Girolami)
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
Optimal Approximation with Sparsely Connected Deep Neural Networks
(Helmut Bölcskei , Philipp Grohs, Gitta Kutyniok, and Philipp Petersen)
Clustering with t-SNE, Provably
(George C. Linderman and Stefan Steinerberger)
New Error Bounds for Deep ReLU Networks Using Sparse Grids
(Hadrien Montanelli and Qiang Du)
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
Numerically Modeling Stochastic Lie Transport in Fluid Dynamics
(Colin Cotter, Dan Crisan, Darryl D. Holm, Wei Pan, and Igor Shevchenko)
On the Convergence of the SINDy Algorithm
(Linan Zhang and Hayden Schaeffer)
Hybrid Models for Simulating Blood Flow in Microvascular Networks
(Ettore Vidotto , Timo Koch, Tobias Köppl, Rainer Helmig, and Barbara Wohlmuth)
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
DSOS and SDSOS Optimization: More Tractable Alternatives to Sum of Squares and Semidefinite Optimization
(Amir Ali Ahmadi and Anirudha Majumdar)
Khovanskii Bases, Higher Rank Valuations, and Tropical Geometry
(Kiumars Kaveh and Christopher Manon)
Species Tree Inference from Genomic Sequences Using the Log-Det Distance
(Elizabeth S. Allman , Colby Long, and John A. Rhodes)
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
Linearly Recurrent Autoencoder Networks for Learning Dynamics
(Samuel E. Otto and Clarence W. Rowley)
Discovery of Nonlinear Multiscale Systems: Sampling Strategies and Embeddings
(Kathleen P. Champion, Steven L. Brunton, and J. Nathan Kutz)
Data-Driven Identification of Parametric Partial Differential Equations
(Samuel Rudy, Alessandro Alla, Steven L. Brunton, and J. Nathan Kutz)
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Order Reconstruction for Nematics on Squares with Isotropic Inclusions: A Landau--De Gennes Study
(Yiwei Wang, Giacomo Canevari, and Apala Majumdar)
Occurrence vs. Absence of Taxis-Driven Instabilities in a May--Nowak Model for Virus Infection
(Nicola Bellomo, Kevin J. Painter, Youshan Tao, and Michael Winkler)
Global Uniqueness and Lipschitz-Stability for the Inverse Robin Transmission Problem
(Bastian Harrach and Houcine Meftahi)
SIAM Journal on Computing
Simple and Tight Device-Independent Security Proofs
(Rotem Arnon-Friedman, Renato Renner, and Thomas Vidick)
Better Guarantees for $k$-Means and Euclidean $k$-Median by Primal-Dual Algorithms
(Sara Ahmadian, Ashkan Norouzi-Fard, Ola Svensson, and Justin Ward)
Local Search Yields Approximation Schemes for $k$-Means and $k$-Median in Euclidean and Minor-Free Metrics
(Vincent Cohen-Addad, Philip N. Klein, and Claire Mathieu)
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
A Control Lyapunov Function Approach to Feedback Stabilization of Logical Control Networks
(Haitao Li and Xueying Ding)
Monotonicity Methods for Input-to-State Stability of Nonlinear Parabolic PDEs with Boundary Disturbances
(Andrii Mironchenko, Iasson Karafyllis, and Miroslav Krstic)
Contracting Theory with Competitive Interacting Agents
(Romuald Elie and Dylan Possamaï)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Hypercontractivity of Spherical Averages in Hamming Space
(Yury Polyanskiy)
Curvature and Higher Order Buser Inequalities for the Graph Connection Laplacian
(Shiping Liu, Florentin Münch, and Norbert Peyerimhoff)
Independent Sets in Hypergraphs and Ramsey Properties of Graphs and the Integers
(Robert Hancock, Katherine Staden, and Andrew Treglown)
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
Bayesian 3D Reconstruction of Complex Scenes from Single-Photon Lidar Data
(Julián Tachella, Yoann Altmann, Ximing Ren, Aongus McCarthy, Gerald S. Buller, Stephen McLaughlin, and Jean-Yves Tourneret)
Robust Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Time-Frequency Structured Measurements
(Götz E. Pfander and Palina Salanevich)
Convexification Method for an Inverse Scattering Problem and Its Performance for Experimental Backscatter Data for Buried Targets
(Michael V. Klibanov, Aleksandr E. Kolesov, and Dinh-Liem Nguyen)
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Analysis of $p$-Laplacian Regularization in Semisupervised Learning
(Dejan Slep?ev and Matthew Thorpe)
MultiDimensional Sparse Super-Resolution (Clarice Poon and Gabriel Peyré)
Maximum Principles and Aleksandrov--Bakelman--Pucci Type Estimates for NonLocal Schrödinger Equations with Exterior Conditions
(Anup Biswas and József Lörinczi)
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
Multifactor Approximation of Rough Volatility Models
(Eduardo Abi Jaber and Omar El Euch)
Managing Default Contagion in Inhomogeneous Financial Networks
(Nils Detering, Thilo Meyer-Brandis , Konstantinos Panagiotou, and Daniel Ritter)
The Randomized Heston Model
(Antoine Jacquier and Fangwei Shi)
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
A Unifying Perron--Frobenius Theorem for Nonnegative Tensors via Multihomogeneous Maps
(Antoine Gautier, Francesco Tudisco, and Matthias Hein)
Conditioning of Partial Nonuniform Fourier Matrices with Clustered Nodes
(Dmitry Batenkov , Laurent Demanet, Gil Goldman, and Yosef Yomdin)
The Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem is Well Conditioned for Random Inputs
(Diego Armentano and Carlos Beltrán)
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
A Discrete Grönwall Inequality with Applications to Numerical Schemes for Subdiffusion Problems
(Hong-lin Liao, William McLean, and Jiwei Zhang)
On the Variable Two-Step IMEX BDF Method for Parabolic Integro-differential Equations with Nonsmooth Initial Data Arising in Finance
(Wansheng Wang, Yingzi Chen, and Hua Fang)
Maximum Principle Preserving Exponential Time Differencing Schemes for the Nonlocal Allen--Cahn Equation
(Qiang Du , Lili Ju, Xiao Li, and Zhonghua Qiao)
SIAM Journal on Optimization
A Coordinate-Descent Primal-Dual Algorithm with Large Step Size and Possibly Nonseparable Functions
(Olivier Fercoq and Pascal Bianchi)
Stochastic Model-Based Minimization of Weakly Convex Functions
(Damek Davis and Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy)
Riemannian Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient Algorithm with Retraction and Vector Transport
(Hiroyuki Sato , Hiroyuki Kasai, and Bamdev Mishra)
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Stabilized Sparse Scaling Algorithms for Entropy Regularized Transport Problems
(Bernhard Schmitzer)
Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation of Flows in Fractured Porous Media on Polytopic Grids
(Paola F. Antonietti, Chiara Facciolà, Alessandro Russo, and Marco Verani)
A Lattice Boltzmann Model for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
(Zhenhua Chai, Hong Liang, Rui Du, and Baochang Shi)
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
Bayesian Model and Dimension Reduction for Uncertainty Propagation: Applications in Random Media
(Constantin Grigo and Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis)
An Efficient, Globally Convergent Method for Optimization Under Uncertainty Using Adaptive Model Reduction and Sparse Grids
(Matthew J. Zahr , Kevin T. Carlberg, and Drew P. Kouri)
Gradient-Free Construction of Active Subspaces for Dimension Reduction in Complex Models with Applications to Neutronics
(Kayla D. Coleman, Allison Lewis, Ralph C. Smith, Brian Williams, Max Morris, and Bassam Khuwaileh)
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 17 (2020), Iss. 24 : p. 7
Published online: 2020-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1