【会议信息】Seventh Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications, University of Rousse

【会议信息】Seventh Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications, University of Rousse

Year:    2019

CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 16 (2019), Iss. 23 : p. 8


This conference is seventh in a series.  The first meeting (June 24-28, 1996) attracted over 80 participants from more than 22 countries.Among them there were 24 participants from Bulgaria and 20 participants from the remaining Eastern European countries.  In this way the meeting facilitated an exchange of ideas between East and West. 

The main tracks of the conference are planned to be:

1. Numerical Approximation and Computational Geometry  
2.Numerical Linear Algebra and Numerical Solution of Transcendental Equations  
3. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations  
4. Numerical Stochastics  
5. Numerical Modeling  
6. High Performance Scientific Computing

List of Plenary and Key Lecturers, who already accepted invitation  of the Org.

I.Farago(Hungary), M.Gander(Switzerland), Z.Jackiewicz(USA),  A.Khaliq(USA), R.Lazarov(USA), Y.Lin(Hong Kong and Canada),V.Shidurov(Russia),M.Stynes(China), J.R.Torregrosa(Spain), P.Vabishchevich(Russia),  S.Wang (Australia), X.-M.Wang(China).

Organizing Committee: L. Vulkov (Chairman), I. Angelova, T.Chernogorova,S.Georgiev, Y. Dimitrov, M. Koleva

The Programme of the Conference includes plenary lectures, invited lectures,reports at sessions, Minisymposia.

Papers for the Proceedings: Proceedings (in a book form) of only  refereed papers (up to 8 pages for contributed talks and up to 12 pages for key  lectures) will be published in a book  by Springer Verlag in their LNCS  as previous conferences. Each paper publication must be covered by  separate registration fee

Chairman: L. Vulkov,   

Conference Secretary: Miglena Koleva 

Conference Fee: The conference fee covers a reception, an excursion, welcome party, conference dinner, a volume with the abstracts, the proceedings,  the expenses for publishing of the submitted paper and some other materials. 

It is for: Non-students: 300 EURO; 
Students: 150 EURO; 
Accompanying person: 80 EURO.

Deadlines:  Deadline for registration: 15 February, 2020 
Deadline for proposal for organizing of minisymposia: December 15, 2019 
Deadline for abstract submissions: January 15, 2020 
Notification of acceptance : February 15, 2020 
Deadline for submissions of the full paper: April 20, 2020 
Notification of acceptance of the full paper: May 20, 2020.

Acommodation will be arranged in Sunset Beach Hotel (http://www.sunsetbeach-bg.com/index_en.php).

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Journal Article Details

Publisher Name:    Global Science Press

Language:    Chinese

DOI:    https://doi.org/2019-CAM-13791

CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 16 (2019), Iss. 23 : p. 8

Published online:    2019-01

AMS Subject Headings:    Global Science Press

Copyright:    COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

Pages:    1
