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Year:    2015

CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 12 (2015), Iss. 4 : p. 5


Postdoctoral fellows (6) and Computational software engineers (4) in Beijing Computational Science Research Center
Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) – a newly established interdisciplinary institute in China is recruiting multiple postdoctoral fellow and computational software engineer positions ( to conduct top research in computational sciences in condensed matter physics, quantum optics, biological sciences, and material sciences and advance algorithm developments.  
Postdoc Positions: The initial appointment for the postdoc position will be for two years with a possible renewal for the third with an annual salary of from 150,000 to 240,000 RMB and research funding, housing and transportation benefits are also provided.   The potential candidates should demonstrate record of top quality research work in computational and interdisciplinary research.  
Postdoc Position P1 - Novel numerical methods for first principle modeling of materials:  Development of novel numerical methods for solving Kohn-Sham density functional theory with hybrid exchange correlation functionals; for quantum transport computations; and for excited state methods. A PhD in Applied Math, Physics, Chemistry or Engineering is required and with strong expertise in parallel programming (MPI and C++).  (Supervisor: Prof. Lin Lin, Math, UC Berkeley and Prof. Cai Wei, Algorithms, CSRC)
Postdoc Position P2- Mesoscale modeling of low dimensional materials: Development of novel numerical methods for coupling first principle electronic structure theories with atomistic scale models, for the efficient treatment of low-dimensional materials at the mesoscale level. Development of accurate interatomic potential that is consistent with first principle description, with applications to large scale materials.  A PhD in Applied Math, Physics, Chemistry or Engineering is required and experience with strong experience in computer programming. (Supervisor: Prof. Lin Lin, Math, UC Berkeley and Prof.  Cai Wei,Algorithms, CSRC)

Postdoc Position P3- Stochastic multiscale modeling of soft materials: We are in developing a mathematical and computational framework at the mesoscale, bridging the scale between microscale and continuum descriptions of materials, focusing primarily on soft matter and complex fluids. A PhD in Applied Math, Physics or Engineering is required as well as familiarity with microscopic, mesoscopic and continuum methods, including  stochastic PDEs. (Supervisor: Prof. George Karniadakis, Applied Math, Brown Univ. and  Prof. Cai Wei, Algorithms, CSRC)

Postdoc Position P4- Computational Electromagnetics for random media: To develop a new high order volume integral equation method for simulating electro-magnetic wave scattering of random surfaces over layered media with application in nano-photonics and surface enhanced Raman scattering.  (Supervisor: Prof. Cai Wei, Algorithms, CSRC).
Postdoc Position P5: Continuum phase field modeling of catalyzed growth of semiconductor nanowires. Development of phase field simulation program suitable for large scale parallel computers based on the existing serial implementation.Investigating the mechanisms of morphological changes (instabilities) during nanowire nucleation and growth. Coupling with atomistic models of nanowire growth (Supervisor: Prof. Wei Cai, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford)
Postdoc Position P6-  Molecular dynamics simulation at experimental time-scale: to study the mechanical properties of structural materials at finite temperature and high stress. We try to understand longtime-scale properties, such as diffusion, creep etc. The time-scale in our simulation should be comparable to the experimental time-scale.  (Supervisor: Dr. Peng-fei Guan, CSRC).
Software Engineer Positions: The initial appointment for the engineer position will be for three years with an annual salary of from 150,000 to 180,000 RMB. Candidates should have ample experience in developing computational software for scientific computing projects in high performance parallel computing systems. Generous fringe benefits include housing allowance and transportation.  Engineer position can eventually become staff members at the center after successful performance reviews.
Engineer Position E1 - Localized molecular orbital DFT with solvation models: The software engineer will lead the code development of a mutliscale method integrating density functional theory using non-orthogonal localized molecular orbitals, molecular mechanics and solvation and polarization models for solvent and dielectric environments. The target open-source software will be capable of simulating complex physical systems in condensed phases with accurate force calculations in molecular dynamics simulations. The considerable candidate should be experienced in developing scientific codes for parallel computer architectures in Fortran, C/C++ and parallel programming (CUDA, OpenCL, Open MPI, etc).  A Ph.D. in physics or quantum chemistry or applied mathematics is required.  (Project will be supervised by Prof. Weitao Yang, Chemistry, Duke)
Engineer Position E2 - Kohn-Sham DFT and pole expansion and selected inversion (PEXSI) 
method: This software engineer will lead the code development of efficient parallel algorithms for solving Kohn-Sham density functional theory on GPU and Intel KNL architectures, based on the pole expansion and selected inversion (PEXSI) method.  The target open-source software will be capable of simulating large scale materials and chemical systems with reduced order scaling, and can be readily used by multiple electronic structure software packages such as SIESTA, CP2K, BigDFT, FHI-aims, DGDFT etc. The considerable candidate should be proficient in developing scientific codes for parallel computer architectures in C++, MPI, OpenMP and CUDA.  A Ph.D. in applied mathematics, physics, chemistry or engineering is required. (Project will be supervised by Prof. Lin Lin, Math, UC Berkeley).
Engineer Position E3 - X-ray and CryoEM data analysis in biology: Develop software and algorithm to analyze experimental data, with a focus on the research of biological systems. This is under a general framework that integrates experimental information with the theoretical modeling and simulations. The specific tasks are: Develop programs to process raw data, reduce images to meaningful profiles; Apply and Develop algorithms to convert profiles to model information, such as 3D structures, distance constraints; Based on the models, propose hypothesis about the mechanism for further experimental validations. The data sources include but not limited to  X-ray scattering/diffraction data, especially the experimental data from X-ray free electron lasers; CryoEM data collected using the advanced detectors; Single molecule Fluorescence data, including particle tracking, FRET etc. 
Background in the following areas is desired: physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry, computer sciences, and applied mathematics; Knowledge about programming languages, C/C++, Python, Perl; Familiar with Matlab or other scientific software. (Project will be supervised by Prof. Leihan Tang and Haiguan Liu, CSRC).

Engineer Position E4 - Dislocation dynamics ParaDis program: The software engineer will lead the code development of ParaDiS, a massively parallel dislocation dynamics program for predicting metal plasticity.  The target is to extend the time step size and total plastic strain capability of the ParaDiS program by using advanced time integration methods and computational architectures (such as GPUs).  The considerable candidate should be experienced in developing scientific codes for parallel computer architectures in C/C++ and parallel programing (MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, etc).  A PhD in materials science, mechanical engineering, physics, or applied mathematics is required. (Project will be supervised by Prof. Wei Cai, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford)
Applications should consist of curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, summary of future research plans, and three letters of reference. Please identify the position code in your application. Application materials should be electronically sent to Ms. Juan Yang by email with subject line “Algorithms Postdocs” or “Algorithm Engineers”.  Positions are available immediately.

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Journal Article Details

Publisher Name:    Global Science Press

Language:    Chinese


CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 12 (2015), Iss. 4 : p. 5

Published online:    2015-01

AMS Subject Headings:    Global Science Press

Copyright:    COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

Pages:    1
