Year: 2014
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 11 (2014), Iss. 8 : p. 2
欢迎大家参加James Carlson教授春季课程及讨论班!
课程名称:Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry
简介:In recent years, the discovery of new algorithms and their implementation in software has led to a minor revolution in the practice of algebraic geometry. Quantities that were heretore impossible to compute can now be calculated. The course will treat needed commutative algebra, develop the algorithms, and introduce the Sage computer algebra system -a frees software program available on all computers. Topics to be covered include: Polynomial rings, division algorithm in several variables, Grobner bases, elimination theory, dimension, and multiplicity. This course will meet once a week.
主讲人:Prof. James Carlson
讨论班:Seminar on Hodge Theory
简介:We will read current literature in Hodge theory and also study some of the older papers on which these depend. Each paper discussed will be preceded by a review of needed background. Some topics – special cases in which the Hodge conjecture is known, the Laza-Friedman paper on hermitian variations of Hodge structure, and Calabi-Yau variations of Hodge structure. This course will meet once a week.
主讲人:Prof. James Carlson
James Carlson简介:
在去克雷数学所之前,Carlson教授曾担任过美国Utah大学数学系主任和几何分析杂志编辑。他也是IAS/Park City和它的高中教师夏天活动的创建者之一。他还曾经是普林斯顿大学数学系和康奈尔大学欧几里德项目的顾问委员会成员,参加过墨西哥数学研究中心(CIMAT)、韩国高等研究院(KIAS)、和美国数学研究所(AIM)的评估委员会。
Carlson教授在数学科研上也有非常突出的贡献。他的研究涉及复几何,分析,拓扑等领域,尤其是在三次曲面模空间,Hodge结构,调和映射,代数簇之间的全纯映射等课题上都取得了非常重要的科研成果。他在国际数学杂志上发表过四十多篇论文和一本专著,其中多篇文章发表在包括Annals of Math, Inventiones Math等顶尖数学杂志上。在过去十二年中他应邀作过将近五十个学术报告。
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 11 (2014), Iss. 8 : p. 2
Published online: 2014-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1