Year: 2013
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 10 (2013), Iss. 2 : p. 11
Geometric Schrdinger-Airy flows on Khler manifolds
Xiao Wei Sun, You De Wang 29(2), Pages 209-240 (2013)
On ad-nilpotent b-ideals for orthogonal Lie algebras
Li Li Liu, Li Luo 29(2), Pages 241-262 (2013)
Various expressions for modulus of random convexity
Xiao Lin Zeng 29(2), Pages 263-280 (2013)
Unicyclic graphs of minimal spectral radius
Ling Sheng Shi 29(2), 281-286 (2013)
Stochastic equations for two-type continuous-state branching
processes with immigration
Ru Gang Ma 29(2), 287-294 (2013)
The rate of approximation of Gaussian radial basis neural networks in continuous function space
Ting Fan Xie, Fei Long Cao 29(2), 295-302 (2013)
Fokker-Planck type equations with Sobolev diffusion coefficients
and BV drift coefficients
De Jun Luo 29(2), 303-314 (2013)
Lower and upper fuzzy topological subhypergroups
Irina Cristea, Jian Ming Zhan 29(2), 315-330 (2013)
On first returning time and last exit time of a class of Markov chain
Hui Zeng Zhang, Min Zhi Zhao, Lei Wang 29(2), 331-344 (2013)
Ruzsa’s constant on additive functions
Jin Hui Fang, Yong Gao Chen 29(2), 345-354 (2013)
Asymptotic behavior of product of two heavy-tailed dependent random variables
Vahid Ranjbar, Mohammad Amini, Jaap Geluk, Abolghasem Bozorgnia
29(2), 355-364 (2013)
On the growth of solutions of second order linear differential equations with extremal coefficients
Jian Ren Long, Peng Cheng Wu, Zheng Zhang 29(2), 365-372 (2013)
Generalized Einstein tensor for a Weyl manifold and its applications
Abdülkadir zdeer 29(2), 373-382 (2013)
Additive Lie (ξ-Lie) derivations and generalized Lie (ξ-Lie) derivations on prime algebras
Xiao Fei Qi, Jin Chuan Hou 29(2), 383-392 (2013)
Compressible subsonic potential flow past a 2D given sharp angular unbounded domain
Hui Yang 29(2), 393-404 (2013)
Dividend-reinsurance strategy in the Sparre Andersen model
Ji Yang Tan, Lin Xiao, Shao Yue Liu, Xiang Qun Yang 29(2), 405-416 (2013)
End of CAM Digest
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 10 (2013), Iss. 2 : p. 11
Published online: 2013-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1