Year: 2010
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 7 (2010), Iss. 22 : p. 9
The AIP conferences are held once every two years and are the most important confenece and activity in the Inverse Problems Community. The AIP Conferences aim to provide a primary international forum for researchers working on applied inverse problems - ranging through mathematical modeling, analytic theories and methods, as well as computational algorithms and data inversion techniques.
The upcoming AIP 2011 conference is the sixth in the series and will be held in May 23-27, 2011, Texas, USA. Previous venues have been: Montecatini (2001), Lake Arrowhead, California (2003), Cirencester, UK (2005), Vancouver (2007) and Vienna (2009).
Scientific Committee:
Liliana Borcea Rice University
Raymond Carroll Texas A&M University
Mohamed Jaoua University of Nice
Ibrahim Hoteit KAUST
Peter Kuchment Texas A&M University
Lassi Paivarinta University Helsinki
William Rundell Texas A&M University
Otmar Scherzer University of Vienna
John Schotland University of Pennsylvania
Gunther Uhlmann University of Washington
Masahiro Yamamoto Tokyo University
Jun Zou Chinese University, Hong Kong
Plenary Speakers:
Simon Arridge- University College London
Gang Bao- Michigan State University
Heinz Engl- University of Vienna
Elisa Francini- University of Florence
Peter Hall- University of Melbourne
Hyeonbae Kang- Inha University Korea
Andreas Kirsch- University of Karlsruhe
Peter Kuchment- Texas A&M University
Alison Malcolm- MIT
Maher Moakher- ENIT Tunisia
Lassi Paivarinta- University of Helsinki
Gunther Uhlmann- University of Washington
More details can be found at
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 7 (2010), Iss. 22 : p. 9
Published online: 2010-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1