SIAM主席: 阿诺德-道格拉斯邀请在中国大陆地区的同行们加入工业与应用数学学会(SIAM)

SIAM主席: 阿诺德-道格拉斯邀请在中国大陆地区的同行们加入工业与应用数学学会(SIAM)

Year:    2009

CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 6 (2009), Iss. 16 : p. 1


主题: publicizing  SIAM membership opportunity in CAM-Digest


SIAM是一个国际性的,跨学科的学会,拥有来自全世界96个国家的一万二千多名会员。作为今年新当选的SIAM主席,我惊讶地注意到,虽然有三分之一的会员来自美国以外的国家,但作为拥有大量活跃的工业、应用和计算数学家的中国大陆却只有极少数会员。为了鼓励和方便在中国大陆地区的同行加入SIAM,我们已经开通了人民币付 款的会员申请方式。

中国大陆地区的科学家成为个人会员以后有诸多受益,包括收到SIAM新闻,应用和计算数学的报纸以及SIAM评论。最重要的是,成为会员将促进中国和世界应用数学学会的会员间建立更紧密的联系,实为互惠互利之举, 特别是有助于国际工业和应用数学大会(ICIAM ) 2015年在北京的顺利召开。基于这些原因,发展 SIAM在中国大陆地区的会员在我上任伊始就是我优先考虑的事宜.

在今后几年里, 我期待着越来越多的中国大陆的工业、应用和计算数学家加入到SIAM这个大家庭。

SIAM主席: 阿诺德-道格拉斯 (Douglas N. Arnold)
The Society for Industrial and Applied  Mathematics (SIAM) invites   our colleagues in the Peoples Republic of China to join the SIAM community.  Chinese mathematicians, scientists, and engineers can join SIAM for just  70 RMB yuan by going to

SIAM is an international, interdisciplinary society with over 12,000 members from 96 countries throughout the  world.  When I became SIAM president this year, I was struck that, although a third of SIAM members are  from outside the United    States, very few are from the People's Republic of China, despite  the large number of active industrial, applied, and computational  mathematicians residing there.
To encourage our colleagues in China to join the SIAM community, we have made arrangements to accept payment for  SIAM  membership in RMB yuan.

Through individual membership in SIAM, scientists in China willreceive many benefits, including SIAM News,  the newspaper of applied and computational mathematics, and SIAM  Review with its famous survey articles. Most important, membership will  build closer connections between the Chinese and international  applied math communities, with advantages for everyone, especially in  anticipation of the2015 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) in Beijing. For all these reasons, I made expansion of SIAM membership in China a major priority at the start  of my presidency.

I look forward to welcoming many industrial,  applied, and computational mathematicians residing in China to the SIAM community in the coming years.

--  Douglas N. Arnold, SIAM President

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Journal Article Details

Publisher Name:    Global Science Press

Language:    Chinese


CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 6 (2009), Iss. 16 : p. 1

Published online:    2009-01

AMS Subject Headings:    Global Science Press

Copyright:    COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

Pages:    1
