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2007 ICIAM 五个奖项的获奖者名单发布

2007 ICIAM 五个奖项的获奖者名单发布

Year:    2006

CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 3 (2006), Iss. 19 : p. 1



ICIAM先驱奖(ICIAM Pioneer Prize):

获奖者: Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University, USA) and Heinz Engl (Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Austria and Austrian Academy of Sciences)

ICIAM柯拉兹奖(ICIAM Collatz Prize):

获奖者: Felix Otto (Universitat Bonn, Germany)

ICIAM拉格朗日奖(ICIAM Lagrange Prize):

获奖者:Joseph Keller (Stanford University, USA)

ICIAM麦克斯韦奖(ICIAM Maxwell Prize):

获奖者: Peter Deuflhard(ZIB Berlin,Germany)

ICIAM苏步青奖(ICIAM Su Buchin Prize):

以中国著名数学家苏步青命名,由中国工业与应用数学学会(CSIAM) 提出设立,旨在奖励在数学对经济腾飞和人类发展的应用方面做出杰出贡献的个人。
获奖者: Gilbert Strang (MIT,USA)

At the 2007 Congress in Zürich five ICIAM prizes will be awarded:

the Pioneer Prize: awarded to --- joint winners:

Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University, USA) and Heinz Engl (Johannes Kepler Universit?t Linz, Austria and Austrian Academy of Sciences)
... established for pioneering work introducing applied mathematical methods and scientific computing techniques to an industrial problem area or a new scientific field of applications. The prize commemorates the spirit  and impact of the American pioneers.
It was created on the initiative of SIAM, and was first awarded in 1999. The Pioneer Prize is presently funded by SIAM.

the Collatz Prize: awarded to Felix Otto (Universit?t Bonn, Germany)

... established to provide international recognition to individual scientists under 42 years of age for outstanding work on industrial and applied mathematics.
It was created on the initiative of GAMM, and first awarded in 1999.
The Collatz Prize is presently funded by GAMM.

the Lagrange Prize: awarded to Joseph Keller (Stanford University, USA)

... established to provide international recognition to individual mathematicians who have made an exceptional contribution to applied mathematics throughout their careers.
It was created on the initiative of SMAI, and first awarded in 1999. The Lagrange Prize is presently funded by SMAI, SEMA and SIMAI.

the Maxwell Prize: awarded to Peter Deuflhard (ZIB Berlin, Germany)

... established to provide international recognition to a mathematician who has demonstrated originality in applied mathematics.
It was created on the initiative of the IMA (with the support of the J.C. Maxwell Society), and first awarded in 1999. The Maxwell Prize is presently funded  by IMA.

the Su Buchin Prize: awarded to Gilbert Strang (MIT, USA)

... established to provide international recognition of an outstanding contribution by an individual in the application of Mathematics to emerging economies and human development, in particular at the economic and cultural level in developing countries.
It was created on the initiative of the CSIAM, and will be awarded for the  first time in 2007. The Su Buchin Prize is presently funded by CSIAM.

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Journal Article Details

Publisher Name:    Global Science Press

Language:    Chinese


CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 3 (2006), Iss. 19 : p. 1

Published online:    2006-01

AMS Subject Headings:    Global Science Press

Copyright:    COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

Pages:    1
