Year: 2005
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 2 (2005), Iss. 24 : p. 6
Peter Lax (Courant Institute, NYU): Xudong's postdoc mentor and collaborator.
member of NAS, American Philosophical Society.
Receipient of Abel Prize, Wolf Prize, National Medal of Science.
(刘旭东博士的博士后导师, 美国科学院院士, Abel 及 Wolf 奖得主)
''I am very sad and downcast to learn the inevitable.The death of a young man,with family, and so much to look forward to, is a tragedy very hard to bear. I had a very fruitful of collaboration with Xudong; he was very imaginative,and once he had an idea he did not hestate to carry it out. I admired him; what a loss to the scientific computing community, and an equal loss to his friends.''
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: Chinese
CAM-Net Digest, Vol. 2 (2005), Iss. 24 : p. 6
Published online: 2005-01
AMS Subject Headings: Global Science Press
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 1