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A Pseudopotential Lattice Boltzmann Analysis for Multicomponent Flow

A Pseudopotential Lattice Boltzmann Analysis for Multicomponent Flow

Year:    2022

Author:    Yong Zhao, Gerald G. Pereira, Shibo Kuang, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi

Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 32 (2022), Iss. 4 : pp. 1156–1178


This paper presents a pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann analysis to show the deficiency of previous pseudopotential models, i.e., inconsistency between equilibrium velocity and mixture velocity. To rectify this problem, there are two strategies: decoupling relaxation time and kinematic viscosity or introducing a system mixture relaxation time. Then, we constructed two modified models: a two-relaxation-time (TRT) scheme and a triple-relaxation-time (TriRT) scheme to decouple the relaxation time and kinematic viscosity. Meanwhile, inspired by the idea of a system mixture relaxation time, we developed three mixture models under different collision schemes, viz. mix-SRT, mix-TRT, and mix-TriRT models. Afterwards, we derived the advection-diffusion equation for the multicomponent system and derived the mutual diffusivity in a binary mixture. Finally, we conducted several numerical simulations to validate the analysis on these models. The numerical results show that these models can obtain smaller spurious currents than previous models and have a wider range for the accessible viscosity ratio with fourth-order isotropy. Compared to previous models, present models avoid complex matrix operations and only fourth-order isotropy is required. The increased simplicity and higher computational efficiency of these models make them easy to apply to engineering and industrial applications.

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Journal Article Details

Publisher Name:    Global Science Press

Language:    English


Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 32 (2022), Iss. 4 : pp. 1156–1178

Published online:    2022-01

AMS Subject Headings:    Global Science Press

Copyright:    COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

Pages:    23

Keywords:    Lattice Boltzmann method multicomponent flows Chapman-Enskog analysis.

Author Details

Yong Zhao

Gerald G. Pereira

Shibo Kuang

Zhenhua Chai

Baochang Shi

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