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$α$Setup-PCTL: An Adaptive Setup-Based Two-Level Preconditioner for Sequence of Linear Systems of Three-Temperature Energy Equations

$α$Setup-PCTL: An Adaptive Setup-Based Two-Level Preconditioner for Sequence of Linear Systems of Three-Temperature Energy Equations

Year:    2022

Author:    Silu Huang, Xiaoqiang Yue, Xiaowen Xu

Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 32 (2022), Iss. 5 : pp. 1287–1309


The iterative solution of the sequence of linear systems arising from three-temperature (3-T) energy equations is an essential component in the numerical simulation of radiative hydrodynamic (RHD) problem. However, due to the complicated application features of the RHD problems, solving 3-T linear systems with classical preconditioned iterative techniques is challenging. To address this difficulty, a physical-variable based coarsening two-level (PCTL) preconditioner has been proposed by dividing the fully coupled system into four individual easier-to-solve subsystems. Despite its nearly optimal complexity and robustness, the PCTL algorithm suffers from poor efficiency because of the overhead associated with the construction of setup phase and the solution of subsystems. Furthermore, the PCTL algorithm employs a fixed strategy for solving the sequence of 3-T linear systems, which completely ignores the dynamically and slowly changing features of these linear systems. To address these problems and to efficiently solve the sequence of 3-T linear systems, we propose an adaptive two-level preconditioner based on the PCTL algorithm, referred to as $α$Setup-PCTL. The adaptive strategies of the $α$Setup-PCTL algorithm are inspired by those of $α$Setup-AMG algorithm, which is an adaptive-setup-based AMG solver for sequence of sparse linear systems. The proposed $α$Setup-PCTL algorithm could adaptively employ the appropriate strategies for each linear system, and thus increase the overall efficiency. Numerical results demonstrate that, for 36 linear systems, the $α$Setup-PCTL algorithm achieves an average speedup of 2.2, and a maximum speedup of 4.2 when compared to the PCTL algorithm.

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Journal Article Details

Publisher Name:    Global Science Press

Language:    English


Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 32 (2022), Iss. 5 : pp. 1287–1309

Published online:    2022-01

AMS Subject Headings:    Global Science Press

Copyright:    COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

Pages:    23

Keywords:    Sequence of linear systems sparse linear solver preconditioning methods radiation hydrodynamics simulation.

Author Details

Silu Huang

Xiaoqiang Yue

Xiaowen Xu