Analysis of a Fully Discrete Finite Element Method for Parabolic Interface Problems with Nonsmooth Initial Data
Year: 2022
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 40 (2022), Iss. 5 : pp. 777–793
This article concerns numerical approximation of a parabolic interface problem with general $L^2$ initial value. The problem is discretized by a finite element method with a quasi-uniform triangulation of the domain fitting the interface, with piecewise linear approximation to the interface. The semi-discrete finite element problem is furthermore discretized in time by the $k$-step backward difference formula with $ k=1,\ldots,6 $. To maintain high-order convergence in time for possibly nonsmooth $L^2$ initial value, we modify the standard backward difference formula at the first $k-1$ time levels by using a method recently developed for fractional evolution equations. An error bound of $\mathcal{O}(t_n^{-k}\tau^k+t_n^{-1}h^2|\log h|)$ is established for the fully discrete finite element method for general $L^2$ initial data.
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: English
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 40 (2022), Iss. 5 : pp. 777–793
Published online: 2022-01
AMS Subject Headings:
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 17
Keywords: Parabolic interface problem Finite element method Backward difference formulae Error estimate Nonsmooth initial data.