Year: 2006
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 24 (2006), Iss. 3 : pp. 357–364
In this paper, disturbed sparse linear equations over the 0-1 finite field are considered. Due to the special structure of the problem, the standard alternating coordinate method can be implemented in such a way to yield a fast and efficient algorithm. Our alternating coordinate algorithm makes use of the sparsity of the coefficient matrix and the current residuals of the equations. Some hybrid techniques such as random restarts and genetic crossovers are also applied to improve our algorithm.
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: English
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 24 (2006), Iss. 3 : pp. 357–364
Published online: 2006-01
AMS Subject Headings:
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 8
Keywords: Sparse linear equation 0-1 finite field Alternating direction method Random restart Genetic hybrids.