Year: 2000
Author: Shou-Fu Li
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 18 (2000), Iss. 6 : pp. 645–656
The main results of this paper are as follows: (1) Suppose an s stage Runge-Kutta method is consistent, irreducible, non-confluent and symplectic. Then this method is of order at least $2p+l(1 \le p \le s-1)$ provided that the simplifying conditions $C(p)$ (or $D(p)$ with non-zero weights) and $B(2p+l)$ hold, where $l=0,1,2.$ (2) Suppose an s stage Runge-Kutta method is consistent, irreducible and non-confluent, and satisfies the simplifying conditions $C(p)$ and $D(p)$ with $0 < p \le s.$ Then this method is symplectic if and only if either $p = s$ or the nonlinear stablility matrix $M$ of the method has an $(s-p)×(s-p)$ chief submatrix $\hat{M}=0.$ (3) Using the results (1) and (2) as bases, we present a general approach for the construction of symplectic Runge-Kutta methods, and a software has benn designed, by means of which, the coefficients of s stage symplectic Runge-Kutta methods satisfying $C(p), D(p)$ and $B(2p+l)$ can be easily computed, where $1 \le p \le s, 0 \le l \le 2, s \le 2p+l \le 2s.$
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: English
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 18 (2000), Iss. 6 : pp. 645–656
Published online: 2000-01
AMS Subject Headings:
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 12
Keywords: Numerical analysis Symplectic Runge-Kutta methods Simplifying conditions Order results.