A Novel Hardware/Software Partitioning Method Based on Position Disturbed Particle Swarm Optimization with Invasive Weed Optimization
Year: 2017
Author: Xiao-Hu Yan, Fa-Zhi He, Yi-Lin Chen
Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Vol. 32 (2017), Iss. 2 : pp. 340–355
With the development of the design complexity in embedded systems, hardware/software (HW/SW) partitioning becomes a challenging optimization problem in HW/SW co-design. A novel HW/SW partitioning method based on position disturbed particle swarm optimization with invasive weed optimization (PDPSO-IWO) is presented in this paper. It is found by biologists that the ground squirrels produce alarm calls which warn their peers to move away when there is potential predatory threat. Here, we present PDPSO algorithm, in each iteration of which the squirrel behavior of escaping from the global worst particle can be simulated to increase population diversity and avoid local optimum. We also present new initialization and reproduction strategies to improve IWO algorithm for searching a better position, with which the global best position can be updated. Then the search accuracy and the solution quality can be enhanced. PDPSO and improved IWO are synthesized into one single PDPSO-IWO algorithm, which can keep both searching diversification and searching intensification. Furthermore, a hybrid NodeRank (HNodeRank) algorithm is proposed to initialize the population of PDPSO-IWO, and the solution quality can be enhanced further. Since the HW/SW communication cost computing is the most time-consuming process for HW/SW partitioning algorithm, we adopt the GPU parallel technique to accelerate the computing. In this way, the runtime of PDPSO-IWO for large-scale HW/SW partitioning problem can be reduced efficiently. Finally, multiple experiments on benchmarks from state-of-the-art publications and large-scale HW/SW partitioning demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve higher performance than other algorithms.
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11390-017-1714-2
Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Vol. 32 (2017), Iss. 2 : pp. 340–355
Published online: 2017-01
AMS Subject Headings:
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 16
Keywords: hardware/software partitioning particle swarm optimization invasive weed optimization communication cost parallel computing
Author Details
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