(Semi-)Nonrelativisitic Limit of the Nonlinear Dirac Equations

(Semi-)Nonrelativisitic Limit of the Nonlinear Dirac Equations

Year:    2020

Author:    Yongyong Cai, Yan Wang

Journal of Mathematical Study, Vol. 53 (2020), Iss. 2 : pp. 125–142


We consider  the nonlinear Dirac equation (NLD) with time dependent external electro-magnetic potentials, involving a dimensionless parameter $ε\in(0,1]$ which is inversely proportional to the speed of light. In the nonrelativistic limit regime $ε\ll1$ (speed of light tends to infinity), we decompose the solution into the eigenspaces associated with the 'free Dirac operator' and construct an approximation to the NLD with $O(ε^2)$ error. The NLD converges (with a phase factor) to a coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system (NLS) with external electric potential in the nonrelativistic limit as $ε\to0^+$, and the error of the NLS approximation is first order $O(ε)$. The constructed $O(ε^2)$ approximation is well-suited for numerical purposes.

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Journal Article Details

Publisher Name:    Global Science Press

Language:    English

DOI:    https://doi.org/10.4208/jms.v53n2.20.01

Journal of Mathematical Study, Vol. 53 (2020), Iss. 2 : pp. 125–142

Published online:    2020-01

AMS Subject Headings:   

Copyright:    COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press

Pages:    18

Keywords:    Nonlinear Dirac equation nonrelativistic limit error estimates.

Author Details

Yongyong Cai

Yan Wang

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