Year: 2007
Journal of Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 20 (2007), Iss. 4 : pp. 322–336
In this parer, by using the polar coordinates for the generalized Baouendi- Grushin operator L_α = \sum^n_{i=1}\frac{∂²}{∂x²_i} + \sum^m_{j=1}|x|^{2α} \frac{∂²}{∂y²_j}, where x = (x_1, x_2, …, x_n) ∈ \mathbb{R}^n, y = (y_1, y_2, …, y_m) ∈ \mathbb{R}^m, α › 0, we obtain the volume of the ball associated to L_α and prove the nonexistence for a second order evolution inequality which is relative to L_α.
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Journal Article Details
Publisher Name: Global Science Press
Language: English
Journal of Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 20 (2007), Iss. 4 : pp. 322–336
Published online: 2007-01
AMS Subject Headings:
Copyright: COPYRIGHT: © Global Science Press
Pages: 15
Keywords: Generalized Baouendi-Grushin operator