Analysis in Theory and Applications

Analysis in Theory and Applications

Managing Editors

Li Yanyan and You Jiangong

Impact Factor:    0.4

Aims and Scope:   

Analysis in Theory and Applications (ATA), used to have the title Approximation Theory and its Applications (from 1984 to 2002), publishes research results in broad areas of approximation including Dynamic Systems, Geometric Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Numerical Approximation, Signal Analysis, Special Functions, Differential Equations, Wavelets, and Approximation Theory, as well as their applications. The journal is supervised by Office of Education of Jiangsu Province and sponsored by Nanjing University.

Mathematical Reviews
Emerging Sources Citation Index

Journal Details

Publishing since:    2011

Number of Volumes:    14

Number of Issues:    54

ISSN (Print):    1672-4070

Electronic:    1573-8175

Managing Editors: Li Yanyan and You Jiangong

Impact Factor: 0.4


Subjects:    Business mathematics & systems , Mathematics & Science


Guide for Authors


Analysis in Theory and Applications (ATA), used to have the title Approximation Theory and its Applications (from 1984 to 2002), publishes research results in broad areas of approximation including Dynamic Systems, Geometric Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Numerical Approximation, Signal Analysis, Special Functions, Differential Equations, Wavelets, and Approximation Theory, as well as their applications. The journal is supervised by Office of Education of Jiangsu Province and sponsored by Nanjing University.

Yanyan Li

Rutgers University, USA

Jiangong You

Nankai University, China

Jiguang Bao

Beijing Normal University, China

Henri Berestycki

EHESS, France

Carl de Boor

University of Wisconsin, USA

Haim Brezis

Rutgers University, USA

Paul L. Butzer

RWTH Aachen, Germany

Daomin Cao

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Hua Chen

Wuhan University, China

Jiecheng Chen

Zhejiang Normal University, China

Yong Ding

Beijing Normal University, China

Alessio Figalli

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Daren Huang

Sun Yat-sen University, China

Hitoshi Ishii

Waseda University, Japan

Rongqing Jia

University of Alberta, Canada

Joachim Krieger

EPFL, Switzerland

Hongquan Li

Fudan University, China

Jiayu Li

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Heping Liu

Peking University, China

Zhaoli Liu

Capital Normal University, China

Guozhen Lu

University of Connecticut, USA

Shanzhen Lu

Beijing Normal University, China

Xinan Ma

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Andrea Malchiodi

Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

Changxing Miao

Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China

Charles A. Micchelli

State University of New York, USA

Giuseppe Mingione

University of Parma, Italy

Lizhong Peng

Peking University, China

Pencho Petrushev

University of South Carolina, USA

Manuel del Pino

University of Chile, Chile

Ovidiu Savin

Columbia University, USA

Luis Silvestre

University of Chicago, USA

Avy Soffer

Rutgers University, USA

Weiyi Su

Nanjing University, China

Wenchang Sun

Nankai University, China

Tao Tang

Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Sergei A. Telyakovskii

Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Gang Tian

Princeton University, USA

Michael Vogelius

Rutgers University, USA

Yuesheng Xu

Old Dominion University, USA

Lixin Yan

Sun Yat-sen University, China

Huicheng Yin

Nanjing University, China

Genkai Zhang

Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Ping Zhang

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Zhifei Zhang

Peking University, China

Xiping Zhu

Sun Yat-sen University, China

Wenming Zou

Tsinghua University, China

ATA's most recent SCI impact factor (2023) is 0.4. 


ATA has been granted its first official impact factor of “0.6” in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports.


ATA is included in the Web of Science Core Collection in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) in July 2022.
